Friday, February 02, 2007

"'re it!"

From mom: The boys woke early that morning a few days ago. They were running around the house and making a ruckus. My eyes began to ease open, then suddenly they flung wide. I couldn't believe what I 'd heard. One of my boys had called the other a terrible, socially unacceptable name. A real doozie. All of our work to protect and shelter our children seemed to be spinning down the drain like so much used bath water. My mind was reeling, "How could this have happened? How could he possibly know this word? This is why we homeschool, for Pete's sake! Where did he hear that word?!?" About this time the boys tore by our open bedroom door, and seeing their Mama sitting up, bounded in and up onto our bed, "Mom! Dad! We're playing a new game!" We just sat there, still shell shocked as Malachi gave his brother a small shove and yelled the supposed offense again: "F__G!!" They both hopped off the bed at top speed, Solomon in pursuit of his brother who had TAGGED him. The new game was TAG. They had seen the big kids playing the game at Science and had innocently switched the "T" with an "F". My husband and I exploded into laughter, relieved that the correction needed was just grammatical. I got out of bed shaking my head and starting toward the kitchen to put on some coffee. Not that we really needed it. We were both as awake as we could get that morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my . . . . thank goodness it was just a grammatical error! Nana