Monday, January 29, 2007

A Little One-on-Bun Time

We love Brier. She spends these winter days chewing down the tall patches of grass out in the back yard (I only have mow a few times a year) and hopping to and fro, minding her bunny chores and interests. The beautiful 5x12 enclosure Micah built for her complete with bunny hotel? Forget it. The back yard is her domain and she tends it with utmost commitment. Only a rabbit who has nothing else to do would have this kind of commitment.
After the last storm she could be seen ridding the yard of the 3-4 foot branches which had been blown into our yard by the strong winds the night before. She would grab a nice sturdy bite, and begin dragging the stick over to her designated rubbish pile. She had the yard tidied in no time. Satisfied with her work, she hopped herself over to the sliding glass door and scratched until I opened it, treat in hand.
Yes, it's sad, but she has trained us. Sometimes, when I'm busy and she's scratching at the door relentlessly and staring up at me expectantly with those big black eyes, I think she's gotten too spoiled. Then I relent and open the door to exchange some leftover apple slices for peace and quiet. It's then I notice my golf course length lawn, absent of dandelions (a rabbit's very favorite food, it turns out) and the blackberry vines and innumerable variety of weeds that are kept at bay.
Hmmm. Could it be me whose spoiled?


Anonymous said...

If you can stand the "racket", I guess you've got it made! She's awfully cute and the boys love her, so I guess it's a small price to pay. Nana

Anonymous said...

How much does she charge per hour? Love you Nee