Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Grandma Ruby

From Mom: My Grandma died on New Year's Day. Today is hard as I remember. There are some things I will never forget. I hope. Her laugh is already fading from my mind. I wish I could hear it just once more. And the way she sneezed. Silly, huh? There are some things that will never fade away, though. Things burned into who I am because of who she was. Things that make up little parts of me, forever. Here are some of them:
Sunflower Gardens
Sun tea with fresh lemon slices
Entenmen's Chocolate Covered Donuts
Homemade Chicken and Noodles
Jewel-toned rhinestone necklace, double-looped
TV Trays
Daily Devotional on the nightstand,
right beside the Tums,
and a glass of water
The trundle bed
"The Wheeeeeeeele of Fortune!"
Tia and Freckles
$0.25 paperbacks
Black Jack Chewing Gum
Sweet Pickles on the side
"Garage Sale!" signs and change jingling in my pocket
A strip of suckers hanging from the cabinet door
Charcoaled toast
Cat food for the strays
"Did you get enough to eat, Darlin'?"
Strawberry ice cream at Longs Drugstore
Avenue I
Spray bottles to squirt the trees
Cups of crushed ice from that little machine
"I love you, sweetheart!"

...and so much more. Things just won't be the same.

"Save me a seat at the breakfast table,
Save me a dace around the Milky Way.
Save me a thousand years to whisper in your ear all I wanted to say.
Save me a smile and an angel's feather,
Save me a walk down the streets of gold.
And maybe we'll change our minds, just like old times
And maybe we'll just fly away. Or maybe we'll stay."
-Chris Rice


Anonymous said...

Sweetie, I cried my way through your list ~ I have visual pictures in my head of each one of these things from the time you and Julie were tiny little girls. I also have a whole other list of my own.
We were so fortunate to have such a special person in our lives! I'm so thankful she was such a good grandma to you, Julie & Chad.
We will keep her memory alive until the day we meet up with her again. I love you - we will all mourn, cry and laugh together. Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma! I had no idea she had passed away! I'm sorry for not being in the loop and not being there to help you more!

Even though we aren't there, you are always in our thoughts and our hearts!

We love you!
Angela, Dan, Nikki & Edan