Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Beginning.

Well, it's time to put a new post on front of The End and one foot in front of the other. One thing about endings is that they often bring new beginnings. This is ours. We choose life today. We lay all the "what-ifs" and "whys" at the foot of the cross in exchange for the peace that's offered there.
This year is going to be great. A lot of stuff is going to be happening and many changes are coming for our little clan (you like the teaser?). God's plan for our family hasn't changed and pieces of it are beginning to shape themselves in our hearts very clearly. Things that are different than I had previously thought. God's doing a new thing. Just when I thought I had it all figured out. I'll keep you "posted".

I'll leave you with a few silly moments we've had lately. Silliness is very underrated.

Unknown said...

I like the dog's pink mohawk, very cool dude!

p.s. I've been to Oregon many many times. I grew up just across the Washington / BC border and have lots of friends near the Portland area. Nice state to live in!

Anonymous said...

Who ever would have guessed this darling puppy could look so rabid? Aren't pets fun...... I used to dress up my hamsters. What great fun!

Anonymous said...

Let me guess - was that Sol with 4 sets of eyes? LOL - they are such a joy and we just never know what they will do next

Papa & Goga

Spirit of Adoption said...

so....did we get an update??? : )