Monday, January 15, 2007


From Mommy: OK. This movie was excellent. I loved it. But, for the love of all things sacred, leave the little ones at home. I read the books by Christopher Paolini and loved them. At the time the first book was written, the author was 15 years old. And a homeschooled kid. Heck, yeah I'm reading the books!! I mean, c'mon!! HOMESCHOOL ROCKS!! Ahem. Sorry.
Anywho, Solomon had looked longingly at the covers of the Inheritance Series (Eragon is the first of a trillagy, the third of which isn't completed as of yet - me thinks lil' Christopher needs to ditch soccer practice until he finishes what he's started, hmmmm?) which are each clad with a beautiful dragon gazing at you through intelegent eyes. As I read the inside of the book, Solly would stare just as intently at the outside. He knew the dragon's name and would ask eleventeen questions about the story. It enthrawled him just to stare at the cover.
Then the movie came out and with it, TV commercials setting his beloved dragon into animation. Soaring, breathing fire and doing battle with her rider. Oh, how Sol wanted to see this movie. My son longed to go with us. Longed, I'm telling you. As hard as it was to leave him behind, I'm glad I did. His 4-year-old fantasies would have been dessimated by the disturbing imagry of this film.
General rule of thumb here: If you enjoyed Lord of the Rings flicks, go see this movie, and keep in mind that the author was a young teen - you'll be impressed. HOMESCHOOL ROCKS!! Whoops, there I go, again. Sorry.
If your kids were allowed to watch Lord of the Rings movies and didn't soil there underoos, they'll enjoy it, as well. But take the rating seriously, folks. PG-13.
In any case, do read the books if you enjoy fanasy fiction. I'll allow Solly to read the books well before he's allowed to watch the movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment Lynee. I too rather enjoyed it, but it's definitely not for little ones. Mom