Saturday, February 10, 2007

THE ANNOUNCEMENT (drum roll, please)

The announcement is here!

Soon, there will be double.

Double the hugs around necks.

Double the kisses on cheeks.

Double the contageous giggles.

Double the tantrums and pouting.

Double the car seats to test our IQ.

Double the glares from out patient cat.

Double the noise level.

Double the birthdays to celebrate.

Double the laundry (Lord help us all).

Double cribs for Daddy to assemble.

Double first steps to video.

And a double stroller to hold who has us seeing double...



Surprised that it isn't Africa? Me, too! But more on that later. Now I have to do the "I'm going to be a Mommy Again Happy Dance". Again.


Homeschool Help Web said...

I only recently discovered your blog, and I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!

owlhaven said...


PJ Academy said...

I came by way of owlhaven - had to nose at the news =) Congrats on the twins how exciting!!! We are just starting the adoption process in India! Your boys are so cute - the "library" So funny - the pretend candy laughed OUT LOUD - the underwear on the outside of the pj's my boys do that to - last but not least I LOVE THE BUNNIES!!!!=)

I'll be back!!!

shell said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to hear more! Our four year olds are twins and there is NOTHING more fun!

Jill said...

Oh I am so excited for you!! We thought we would be adopting from Africa as well but spotted our daughter from China on a waiting child list. We are just waiting on them to tell us we can go get her. We are considering Vietnam for our next adoption so I can wait to read all about your experience!! Congrats!!!!! - Jill :)

Jill said...

Of course I meant "can't wait". LOL- Jill

Elizabeth said...


Spirit of Adoption said...

OH WOW!!! That is HUGE news!!! I really can't wait to hear MORE on how this all happened! Praise the Lord and CONGRATS!!! I just got your q's - can you email, so I have your email, then I'll email you back? : ) My email is on my blog : ) blessings, sister!!! God is faithful, and HE WILL provide!!!!! I can't wait to see how! : )

Anonymous said...

Now we will have 2 beautiful grandaughters!!!! Sooooo Excited. You Both know we will do everything we can to help you bring them into our family! We could even watch the boys while you go pick up the girls (lol lol)
You've gotta know how proud of you two we are!!!

Papa & Goga

Andee said...

Yay!!!! I want more details!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it - 3, count them, 3 new grandaughters in 2007.
I'm doing the "Happy Nana Dance"!
Lord, please give me strength - ha!
What a wonderful thing to look forward to! I'm so happy for you AND us! Love, Mom