Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Weekend Snapshots

From Solomon: Aaaaah. This last weekend was great. It's so nice that Daddy's able to be home with us without all the pressure of school and homework. Our morning began with homemade waffles and the spectacularly hilarious entertainment of tying our Batman and Robin action figures to the blades of the ceiling fan, then flipping on the switch. You can kinda see Robin enjoying his flight. Mom totally did. not. get. why this was so amusing to us.

We also went over to OMSI to take in the Vicious Fishes and Other Riches exhibit. They had real Piranhas and all sorts of Amazon creatures to learn about! And, of course we played in the water exhibit for a good long time. Here's the strapping Lewis men wrangling an Anaconda!

Even Kitty-One and Brier enjoyed their weekend. They love to hang out together in spite of the looks they get in response to their inter-species relationship. They're so progressive!

Now it's off to Wilco Farm Supply - they just got their Spring shipment of baby chicks! Mommy's been begging to go and hold them all morning, so I guess I'd better take her. She has been awfully patient and only pouted a little in spite of the stern warning Daddy issued her: "DO NOT bring one home!" Darn city limits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, you showed wonderful restraint! When I stopped by after work, I found no new family
members - good job! =0) Mom