Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rock and Gem Show

From Solomon: Mommy and I took Kai over to the Rock and Gem Show to, well, look at various rocks and gems. Kai likes anything hoardable and shiny. This was right up his alley! There were a lot of rocks. And a lot of gems. We each got some spending money and Mommy spent the afternoon following us through the auditorium with a rapidly growing bag as we assessed and added all sorts of sparkly treasures to our stash. There were some great carnival games that offered rock/gem prizes and we won some real beauts! Mom's arms were quite tired by the time we were done. It was a really fun field trip and we all learned a lot about the beautiful earth God created for us!
And now maybe Kai will stop hoarding Mommy's shiny things under his pillow whilst she goes crazy thinking she's a victim of early-onset dementia because she keeps losing her earrings, bookmarks and necklaces.
Hmmmmm? Richard Malachi?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they'll have hours of fun with their new "treasures". Sounds like you had a fun day with your boys. You are so fortunate to be an at-home Mom so you can do these kinds of things with your little ones. God sure gave you a good husband who fully supports your homeschooling!!! Mom