Friday, April 13, 2007

Better Late than Never...

From Mommy: We finally got around to coloring Easter eggs!

Also, we had our annual SHE group Easter Egg Hunt which was a lot of fun! Us frugal moms loved that the hunt was scheduled a few days after Easter as all the cute eggs and yummy treats went on clearance! We even got to see the new big brother, Benton, for a while! His Auntie and Uncle are in the Co-op and borrowed him while his Mommy and new brother rested in the hospital. We went to see wee Nathaniel this morning. Alas, I forgot my camera, but take my word for it - he elicits some major baby envy!

Here's Solomon & Cayman getting some decent lunch in their tummies before the sugar infusion begins.

"Look what I got!!"


Final side note: in case you're having trouble making this out (they're waaay out there), it's Solomon, Zion and Cayman simultaneously relieving themselves in the bushes. Apparently it was too far to walk from the festivities to the disgusting port-a-john when the need arose. And, also apparently, the "I-gotta-go-potty-jig" is contagious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee Hee ~ such "little men!" Nana