Sunday, February 01, 2009

Just a heads up...

If you happen to have a 16 month old meth affected child who already has the frustration tolerance of a jackal, make sure your husband puts his open Red Bull up high.
Very, very high.
Remind said husband that said baby is now adept at pushing various toys around the house in order to make convenient steps for reaching shiny objects which entice him...
or you will have a very difficult morning.
Very, very difficult indeed.
Holy Guacamole.


Andee said...

Oh dear!

Kamayeth said...

Holy cow! I bet said husband will never, ever do that ever again. Ever. (Well, here's hopin', at least!) -Auntie Julie

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

From what we are seeing the meth exposure in many ways stays with these kids,our 3 1/2 yr old is so easily frustrated,high energy and goes out of her way to get into things,anything thats dangerous,shiny as you said,forbidden shes drawn to it like a magnet.Their doesn't seem to be alot of cause and effect with our kiddo,and shes always the victim"well if daddy didnt put that____their,I wouldnt have touched it"...nice try sister.Sorry for your frustrating day,I am having more and more of those lately,as our "spirited" new child settles in...Calgon take me away,

Anonymous said...

I thought this was kinda funny until I stopped by and saw him "buzzing" around like a hornet.
If this ever happens again, you and I should go to the movies and let daddy watch the boys for a few hours . . . . that would teach him! ha! Nana