Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cake & Committee

Well! I think I forgot to mention that we have Committee for Zephan tomorrow! That's where they'll "designate placement" by the board (and potentially schedule his farewell visit with birth mom? please?). Since it's pretty much a sure shot, we're bringing him with us to meet the board.
This may or may not be a good idea since the little guy, who has a double ear infection and pneumonia, is on a med containing steroids. This is making our little angel a bit...volital.

The doc warned us that these meds may cause frustration and irritability.
Ya think? Sheesh, it's nearly as bad as the stupid Red Bull incident. And he's got 3 more days of it to go! Anyway, I think we'll still bring him, if only just to force the board to hurry up and sign the paperwork and let the cranky baby go home.

In other news, my sister ( e-mailed us this easy recipe for making little cakes in coffee mugs. You probably have all the stuff in the kitchen already, there's only a few ingrediants. The boys each made one this evening and really enjoyed both the process and the end result. Yum!
Here's the link in case you want to let your kiddos try it:

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