Wednesday, June 18, 2008

But I Just Made a Hard Decision!!

Our caseworker called. I'm always glad to hear from her because the conversation usually ushers in a journey of some kind with some cute kid on the line. Note that only one of these journeys have been successful so far.
1 win, 8 losses.
That's right. 8. We were filling out renewal forms for our homestudy and one of the questions was, "Number of foster children in your care thus far:". Micah and I were surprised as we added them up. We never really thought of ourselves as foster parents. We're just trying to adopt, for Pete's sake! But there they were. 9 fingers as we ticked off their names. Sheesh!
Anywho, back to our phone conversation:
CaseWorker: So, what's J.J.'s transition look like? When's he moving?
Me: Whyyyyyy?
CW: We have another 8 month old. Mom is also expecting and due in October. 2 older siblings are adopted out, but the family isn't interested in being a resource for the next 2 because they're also expecting a baby soon.
Me: (Sigh).
CW: You could get 2 at once and be done for a while!
Me: (Larger sigh). Boy or girl?
CW (laughing): Boy. We don't know what new baby will be yet.
Me: Newborn? Ugh. They're so exhausting!
CW: Well, think about it. They have court for a permanency plan on Tuesday. If the plan is switched to adoption....
Me: We'll think and pray.

They're killin' me, man.
Killin' me.

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

I totally know what your saying.They act like we can just switch our emotions/life on and off in an instant.This sounds good,it always seems to sound good though when they make that 1st call to us.I say it sounds good,see what happens at court.