Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Conclusions, Candy Canes & Cousins

(Zephaniah's first candy cane!)

Well, Zephan's bio-mom had court today. Somehow I didn't know about it, but it's just as well because (drum roll, please).....she signed relinquishment papers. Our baby is legally free! We'll begin his adoption paperwork after the holidays!

I haven't missed any of his case court proceedings, so did I forget to write this one down on the calendar? Did I get the usual reminder letter and not open it? Did it get lost in the mail? I'll probably never know, but I'm relieved. It would have been really difficult watching my son's sobbing birth mom sign her rights away. Maybe it was divine providence that I didn't have to deal with all that. Now that she doesn't have a reason to stay sober and clean though, I worry for her. Especially come Christmas. There's a little guilt there, that on Christmas day we'll be enjoying the little booger while his birth mom is probably crying her eyes out. She has no family. If she was making better choices I would consider arranging something with her, but I can't have her around my little guy when she's battling these addictions. And visits seem to be hard on him, anyhow.
Please pray for her?

(This is Zephan and his cousin, Bree. I'm just posting it because, well, they're really cute.)


Anonymous said...

They certainly are cute!!! Big blue eyes and big black eyes ~ I couldn't wish for cuter grandbabies! Nana P.S. So excited that Zephan's adoption is on it's way. Carrie will be in my prayers ~ Consequences for poor choices are sometimes very difficult. I'm sure the guilt weighs heavy.

Andee said...

Nathaniel has that same sweater. So cute.

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

wow,that was really fast!We can't wait til our kiddo is free to.