Thursday, December 04, 2008

Adoption News

Here's Zephan enjoying his rabbit. Gosh he loves that bunny. I'm ever so glad she's so tolerant of him and even appreciative of his affection. They are quite a pair.

I saw his birth mom at court and sat by her as we waited in the lobby. She confided in me that she had attempted suicide 3 weeks prior. I cried with her. I have never had a relationship with a birth parent like I have with Zephan's mom. I truly care about her. I monitor her myspace page for news of how she's fairing and keep up on where she is. I make sure she has new pictures of Z at almost every visit with document firsts written on the back for her. Maybe this makes her grief worse?

She hasn't seen him in 6 weeks as the caseworker said we were going to reschedule visits for a different time of day due to the baby's panicked behaviour upon being picked up by the transport worker. She felt that an after nap visit may ease his anxiety. She said she'd call and let me know when they were rescheduled, but I've heard nothing. Maybe mom's mental state has something to do with the preempted visits? I can't say I'm not happy about the lack of visits, though. Visit days are tough on him, and thus me.

The last court session ended in an uncomfortable question for the caseworker, "So, parent has not made adequate progress to return child home and it looks like this will not happen. Target adoption date?"

Caseworker: "September of 2009."

I put my arm around birth mom as she cried.

In happier adoption news, here's us filling out forms at the lawyers office for Levi's name change and our information to be sent on for the judge to finalize!! YAY!!

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Did your Sw give you heck for changing his name?When we get further down the line,after tpr,we plan to do this,but know we will be met with opposition.Is it best to do before we finalize or after,then we won't have to deal with them?