Saturday, September 27, 2008


So, our Connections Academy teacher had a recommendation for fine-tuning Malachi's letter writing: Spray some shaving cream on a baking sheet, spread it around into a thick layer, and have him write his letters with his finger. This would save his wrist tiring when there's a lot of practice in order to perfect his technique. Solomon could also practice his spelling words.

Not to be outdone, I came up with the idea to include Levi. By hiding drops of different food coloring in piles of the shaving cream, I imagined a fun morning working with him on his colors as he squished and mixed the piles together. I decided to get the baby a snack in his high chair and begin.

About 10 minutes later...


I decided to let them do their thing and have some fun. Sometimes I miss being a kid. It's so cool to watch them laugh and live it up! Such a fun bunch of guys.

PS - We did end up practicing our words and letters after we got cleaned up...and since they got the mischief out of their systems (temporarily) they did an excellent job focusing on their assignments.

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Thats so funny.I will have to try that with our new little one,soon to arrive.