Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hazing the Newbee

Well, K is moving to his new home early next week. I'm kind of relieved on his behalf! It's been a little slow on the blogging front lately because every time I put both babies on the floor, K ends up crying. I adore JJ, but he's, well...

a bit of a fire-cracker (notice the bib says, "I'M IN CHARGE HERE!" 'nuff said).

This last 2 weeks it's been, "All hazing the Newbee, All the time!" on the JJ chanel. And K doesn't have an aggressive (or even assertive) bone in his body. So, it's been:

"JJ! Don't trample the Newbee!!"

"JJ! Don't crash the Newbee into the wall!!" Notice the "help me please" look on K's little face...

"JJ!! Don't pull the Newbee's hair out by the root!"

"JJ!! Don't feign affection then take the Newbee's cracker!!"

......and so on and so forth.

The family sounds awesome and has been wanting to adopt. They're getting a treasure! It feels right.

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