Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday......


Yes, we have chosen a name for our littlest one!

Seeing as the case is moving along in the direction we would like, we decided to chose his name so he can go into the second year of his life both named and claimed!


Origin: Hebrew.

Meaning: "Protected Treasure of Jehovah".

Due to the dangers involved in his early life, we wanted a name that held the word, "Protected". We found this name on our trusty list and and it spoke to us. Every time I say it, it's a prayer over him. For the past. Spoken with thankfulness for God bringing him through everything so far and placing him safely in our arms. For the future. Spoken in faith for everything that is yet to come as he grows up with the spiritual consequences of this fallen world and the physical consequences of a mother enslaved to addiction.

There is healing in Christ and we're so thankful to claim that for our little guy!

That having been said, here's some first birthday pics of Zephan!

"Ooooo! Pretty!"

"Nom nom nom...."

"This. Is. Awesome."

And now for the gifts. "I thank you, Lord, for the bounty I am about to receive..."

"Yay! Something new to ram into my brothers!"

A pair of monkeys for the chunky monkey.

In case you can't read the shirt, it says, "Trouble is my business - and business is GOOD!"

A fitting garment for my most mischievous baby yet, hands down.

Happy 1st Birthday, little guy! We love you!


Anonymous said...

I love when names have a true meaning, in the child's life and the parents. In particular Christian parents. We do so love our David Isaac.David=beloved and hope he will be a man after God's own heart, like his name sake. And Isaac =laughter, because he laughes so much, brings so much and like Abramham, Isaac was given to his father very late in life as a promise kept.
Names should have meaning. I love your son's name!

KelseyChristine said...

LOVE, love, love, the name :)

Unknown said...

We have a nephew (a little different situation) than you I gather. I have mentioned changing his name if we get to keep him (still a ways out). Did you get anyone thinking that changing his name is a bad idea?