Friday, September 12, 2008

"Beeeep, beeeeep, beeeeep".....

.....that's the sound of me backing up. Sigh.
It looks like K will be only a temporary addition to our home, after all.
I won't go into too many details, because the case is still open, but we do know that K will soon move and is being placed with his brother.
We're disappointed, but seeing as this happened only 2 days into the placement, we'll be OK. We're enjoying him while he's here.
We've also told our caseworker that we'll stick with our 4 until Micah is done with a new venture he's taking on (more on that later).
We know that God is planning our family, and we feel good about that.

As for JJ, court went great and it's (tentatively - notice I'm learning about assumptions!) looking good for us to keep him. Bio-mom is now ready to sign over rights, making him legally free. She'll perhaps be doing that on the next court date in December. We'll have our 6 months under our belt and have "current caretaker status". After that we can (hopefully) begin the adoption.

This is a crazy ride, I'll tell ya.

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