Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Back from Vacation...and Back to School

Aaaaah. Always good to get home from a vacation. We had a great time, and were able to bid the summertime farewell with family and fun. My childern even managed to be all better for the trip! YAY!
Here's some shots of stuff we did:
Uncle Daniel and Auntie Angela were so kind to let us stay with them in their new house in Grants Pass. Here are the cousins bundled up together, watching a movie before bed time. Baby was sleeping in his port-crib.
This is Abigale, cousin Nikki's rat. My boys adored Abigale (or, as Levi called her, "Micky Mouse").

We visited Great World Cats. These folks house and train bunches of large cats of all sorts for movies. If you've seen a movie with a big cat in it, he probably lives here. They're trained to attack the fence and growl on cue. We were sitting on this bench when the cue for attack was given. Levi freaked right out, then promptly stood up on the bench told the tiger off, "NO, NO Kitty-Cat! Scare me!" It was pretty freaky.


He's sticking out his tongue!

We also visited a rehabilitation/refuge for stray and hurt wild birds and animals. I took this picture before I saw the sign. The one right behind the guys. Whoops.
Truthfully, I don't remember what exactly we're looking at here, but I like Solomon's little tushy.
Mommy and her boys.
Then, while I stayed with the little ones, Daddy and Uncle Daniel took the big boys to the Oregon Caves.

Daddy and his eldests.
Now it's time to burrow into our school year....

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