Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Your Sleep Questions Answered

The Lewis brothers are here today, answering your sleep questions. Although on any given night one or more of them may not prove adept in this area, most nights will find them all soundly tucked in and snoring away. So, lets go to our experts with audience questions:

Q: Does the jarred Turkey & Rice baby food I purchase for my baby contain Tryptophan, the chemical that causes lethargy after Thanksgiving dinner?

A: Yes. Yes it does.

Q: Is it possible to keep your ultra cool hip-hop persona while sleeping?

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: Is it possible to actually fall asleep during a slap fight?

A: If both participants have equal stamina and strength of will, both the nighttime slap fight and it's counterpart, the pillow fight, can endure into the wee hours with the below result:

...Let's take a closer look at this phenomena:

Q: Should I spend an exurbanite amount of money on top quality designer pillows?

A: No, invest in a quality brother, instead. They'll last forever.

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