Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sicky #3

Well, I was up with the other dwarfs (Sneezy, Snotty and Pukey) last night. It appears that Levi has joined his brothers in the land of sick. I'm eyeing the baby suspiciously today as he's been fussy and clingy. Usually I take my sickies in stride but we're planning a small family vacation next week and
I'm hoping everyone is well.
Poor little Levi - I didn't want to bother him with his "massive amounts of conditioner regiment" as he was already at the end of his rope. He did manage to muster a bit of a smile, though...

His brothers made sure he was comfy (I'm pretty sure that every pillow in the house is in a 2 foot radius of his tushy) and Monsters Inc. was put on continuous play for his enjoyment. Now we'll just hope it runs it's course quickly!

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Awe...I am sorry their sick.So cute with all those pillows.