Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Haircut

Yes. That's Alexxander. I had noticed a bit of matting going on in my Pomeranian's fur, but had been putting off grooming him until the weather was more accommodating for a short-haired dog. Then I thought I would feel better leaving town if I knew that he was comfortable and tangle-free (no more worries on that front - he will be tangle-free for quite some time). I confidently pulled out the grooming clippers I bought on Ebay along with a how-to-groom-your-dog-at-home-and-save-tons-of-money video.
By the time we were done, Lexx was looking at me as if to say, "You cheap jerk! Look at me! Next time do me a favor and spend the $30, will ya?!?"
As he walked pathetically toward his dog door, head bowed in embarrassment, I could almost hear the murmuring,"....just GREAT........all the neighborhood dogs laughing their butts off............stupid mom........I'm so chewing her favorite Doc Martens tonight......"


Anonymous said...

I still say it looks like you took the head off of one dog and placed it on another! He looks so weird . . . it makes me laugh. Do the poor dog a favor and trim up the "mane" so it doesn't look so bizaar! Mom

Anonymous said...

You did a really good job Nee. Now he matches our cat...