Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Committee Update

Well, friends, our caseworker just called - seems we're going to Committee for the Dream Team next month!! Although we're very excited, we understand that the compitition for these little ones is fierce. Actually I believe that the biggest reason that we're one of the final three families at all is divine provision. When our caseworker called to tell us about the Dream Team, she asked if I would like a bullitian and their pictures to puruse with Micah so we could make a decision whether or not we'd like to be considered. I informed her that they sounded like a dream come true (thus their little logo:) and that, yes, definitaly we would like to be considered!
"Sight unseen, huh?" was our caseworker's reply, to which I said, "Absolutely. Whoever gets these kids will be just so incredibly lucky." Well, I didn't know until that point that the Dream Team's caseworker was there in the room and had heard my excited eagerness. She smiled and said that she would put us in the final 3.
So, divine orchestration, I believe.
That having been said, this caseworker had to painstakingly narrow down potentially hundreds of applications for this sibling group to just 2 other families. We want our friends and family to know that our chances of being matched with these beautiful kiddos is slim. If the call comes that we weren't chosen, we know that God has our children picked out for us already. The match is already made! We just have to have patience and perseverence. I think that it's a good thing that Committee will be held while we're in California (we're taking the boys to SeaWorld for Solomon's birthday, but more about that later). It will be a nice distraction for us!
Also news is that we've been selected for another Committee. It's a sibling group of 2 little brothers aged 2 and 9 months. We'll call them "J" and "F" as they aren't totally legally free. We're keeping an eye on this case because of this fact that the parents are still involved on some level and the placement would be a legal risk for our family. Also, we would have to drive the boys to supervised visits with their parents. In Portland. Ugh. It would be just until the case resolves a little more, so, we'll see.

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