Tuesday, November 14, 2006

*********Ecclesiastes 11:5 *********
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how a body is formed in it's mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." What an amazing Creator You are, Lord! Thank you for the blessing of new life for our family! Please keep this child safe and strong. Please usher it into the world at just the right time. Please grace it's mother with peace and health, it's father with strength and wisdom. And the rest of us with patience! Amen.


Anonymous said...

What a precious prayer for our new little family! I, too, can't hardly wait to see if I'm shopping for pink or blue ~ doesn't really matter to me, but pink would be nice. I am so blessed with all of my kids and grandbabies - who could ask for more? Not me! Mom & Nana

Anonymous said...

Congradulations to Julie, what a precious gift she will soon have to hold and love. Baby already looks beautiful. Can't wait to see in person.

Felipe & Lenore