Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

Note from Mom: Yes, I joined the lemmings this year (there's a 4:30 AM?). Off the cliff I flew and into bargains, sales, and hoards of humanity with absolutely no civility whatsoever. What's sad? I actually relaxed and enjoyed the time "to myself". Now there's a paradox only Mommies can grasp.


Anonymous said...

Better you than me!!! I remember those "mommy times" even though they were "few & far between" ~ how sweet they were no matter what I was doing. =) Nana

Andee said...

It was great seeing you in line at shop-ko with the rest of the lemmings, nee. I too enjoyed the "mommy time." I even got to spend part of it with my mommy, which was a rare and delightful treat, even if we were bonding over a crowded sock table at Fred Meyer's at 5:00am. We take it when we can get it!