Sunday, November 02, 2008


So, last week had some novel experiences to offer - and some firsts for my guys:

Zephan got his first haircut! The "frow-hawk" was successfully tamed by Nana and is much easier to manage now.
He's also....drum roll please...walking! I'll post some pics soon as Nana's camera captured the exciting fist steps. I need to borrow her card and grab them. We're in trouble, now!
He also enjoyed his first pickle, compliments of Malachi:

As for Levi, our potty-training adventure is in full swing and he's doing pretty darn good. We had begun a couple of months back, but K moving in set us back. But, we're back in the saddle and I'll be glad to shave some money off our household's $42.00 per month diaper habit.

Also, I wanted to post this gem! Now, Levi's hair is obviously different from the other boys'. It has it's own set of very important do's and don't's. For instance, never, NEVER comb Levi's hair while it's dry... ....or he will end up resembling one of the Jackson 5.

In other exciting Levi news, his birth dad has signed the adoption mediation agreement and we're now on the path to finalization! Maybe we can get this wrapped up by the year's end!

On the big boy front, Solomon is now playing chess online through Connections Academy. And loving it. Thursday he was matched with a 6th grader and held his own pretty nicely. The big boy won, but was very kind and encouraging to Solomon as they real-timed back and forth during the game. They got one another in check several times before Kevin won the game. I think the chess program alone is worth being enrolled in Connections Academy. Here's Solomon playing and Malachi advising (Malachi will be eligible to join next school year).

And here's "The Chess Face". Looks just like his Dad's!

And this one I just took as I looked down from typing to see my rabbit sitting contentedly with her paws crossed. In spite of all the chaos surrounding her and various little boys "loving" her all the time, that is one serene bunny.

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