Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Oh, my friends. Please allow me to vent a moment. I despise potty training. Hate it. You know my prior post when "up-beat-potty-training-mommy" was so enthusiastic about this new task she's attempting to impart to her 2 year old?
Well, "up-beat-potty-training-mommy" is a fraud, folks. She doesn't exist. Like the Yettie or low gas prices. In her stead is "disgusted-mommy-who-shutters-and-throws-up-in-her-mouth-a-little-bit-whenever-her-son-poops-his-underoos".
Unfortunately, this is the mommy I am. At least today, as my son prefers to quietly steal away and hide in a corner to poo instead of using the potty chair he's quite capable of using.
Folks, I've potty-trained 7 children. Yes, between the daycare of my early twenties, the foster care of my mid twenties and the parenting of my late twenties, there are 7 children roaming this earth who are apt at using the toilet because of my efforts.
I was so patient with the first 3! It was all sticker charts and smiles!
Starting with numbers 4 & 5, the sticker charts were replaced with the immediate gratification of M&Ms and the childhood obesity and diabetes epidemics be darned.
Now, with Levi, I'm very much lacking my positive attitude. Don't get me wrong, I clap and smile and hand the kid a Jelly Belly when he's successful, but I find the whole ordeal tiring. As I asked my friend earlier today, please pray that I will find the patient, understanding, cheerful potty-training mommy who's hiding waaaaaay inside me.
Oh, today she's buried so deeply.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my lonely club!
The Boy will be 3 in a few weeks and he refuses to use the potty. He doesn't eat anything,not even candy, so I can't bribe him. I have potty trained 3 girls by age 2 with no problems. I think this boy will go to college in pull ups....uuuuuggggggg