Thursday, November 06, 2008

NW Kids Club

So, we have a new place for PE this school year and I'm pleased as punch about it. In the past we've participated in PE classes specifically geared toward homeschooled kids. Which was great except for the cost ($7 per child per class) and the location (the other side of town).

This place is an indoor playground for kids 7 years old and younger. It has a HUGE sand box,

Goodies for imaginative play,

Toddler-sized play equipment,

This cool little bikes-on-a-track thingy,

A swing to push the baby,

Dress up outfits,

Lots of neat push toys and cars for littler ones,

A bouncy house,
And playground equipment for the bigger kiddos.
And it's only $20/month for an unlimited membership for our family with 4 kids. Let me tell you, I love Oregon and would never leave it. That having been said, the beautiful rain I adore so much can produce some rather stir-crazy little boys. This place is only 2.5 miles from our house and will serve us really well this year.
Oh, and they have an espresso bar with cheap peppermint tea.
Happy Mommy.
Happy Boys.
...and I'm sure I'll be taking you up on that coffee offer soon, Andee!

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