Sunday, December 16, 2007

"So, how's he settling in?"

Baby continues to do really well over here.
Night time is less traumatic and he's now laying down with only a few wimpers that a back rub and soothing words will relieve. He's eating more conguently to his age and taking only 2 bottles per day. I'm almost certain that the previous placement layed him down with milk bottles which was part of our difficulty getting him to sleep. He didn't know what to do with food and had no interest in it. We were able to get him to try the Gerber cereal poofs that dissolve quickly in the mouth and once he grew accustomed to them he was more willing to try other things. Now he'll eat soft food and today was the first time I got him to eat an apple slice.
Everything is new so it's fun to watch his reactions to things like cookies and grapes! He's learning words daily and we're all learning more basic sign language.
He's just learning more every day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable ~ all three, of course!
Love them all sooo much! I think Levi is doing great because of the wonderful job you and Micah (& his older brothers) are doing with him. He's a fortunate little boy! Nana