Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lexx Gets a Buz

From Mommy: My dog is so strange. He'll be quietly watching the boys play in their room, just laying on the bed. Suddenly something catches hold of him, we don't know what, and he'll explode off the bed and grab one of the boys' favorite possessions. The targeted boy will pop up and pursue the dog who usually takes several laps around the house flying off furniture and skidding across the laminate floors before bursting out the dog door. At this point the boy runs to the sliding door and stares at Lexx, eyebrows knitted together. Lexx stares right back with with the stolen treasure wedged in his mouth. And they stare at one another. The boy may laugh, or in the case of torrential rain, boy may grumble. Finally the boy will find his boots and run outside to reclaim what's rightfully his. By this time the remaining members of the family are there at the door, cheering them both on. Finally Lexx tires and the boy takes his item back into the house. The dog trails after, finds a comfy spot to lay and resumes passively watching both boys play.
Pomeranians are weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That "teacup" (ya, right) pom sure gives them a run for their money!
Boys and dogs ~ just like cookies and milk, are made for each other!