Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Another Gold Start Moment...

Mommy: "Solomon, here's your worksheet. The directions say, 'Billy is at the park! Color the things in the picture that rhyme with rat. Then think of another word which rhymes with rat and draw it into the picture.'"

A few minutes later...

Solomon: "Here, Mom, I'm done."
Mommy: "OK, let's see. I see you colored a mat, a cat, a hat and a bat. Real nice! Now, I don't see what you drew, though. Remember, you were supposed to add something into the picture that rhymes with rat, as well?"
Solomon: "Right there - on the boy's arm!"
Mommy: "Oh, uh.... what is that?"
Solomon: "A tat."
Same day, different kid:
Mommy: "E says eh, eh, eh! Like..."
Malachi: "eh-eh-elephant!!"
Mommy: "Good! Can you think of anything else that has the 'eh' sound?"
Malachi: "What the... h-eh-eh-eck!"


KelseyChristine said...

Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!! Your kids are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud! Sooo cute!
Love them guys! Nana

DeAnna said...

LOL!!!!!! He's so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny, you sure can tell who their Dad is! Reminds me of stuff he said and did when growing up!!!

Papa & Goga