Monday, August 20, 2007

Savannah, Secelia & Selena

OK! All 3 babies are home and doing great! #3 got off her feeding tube yesterday and was able to join her sisters at home. She's the smallest at 4 pounds but is feeding well. I'm hanging in there and even managing some sleep every now and again.

I'm so very proud of my boys, let me tell you. They are such a blessing to me and their up-beat attitude and willingness to help out amazes me. I was a bit worried how they would adjust to 3 newborns and a very busy Mama, but they've been happy and content boys and I'm so pleased with their attitude through all this remodeling and change.

Well, I'd better not stay on here too long, we have another doctor's appointment to get everyone ready for. The pediatrician is monitoring them unmercifully which is good for the girls but exhausting for the Mama. I'll try throw updates on here a couple of times a week!


Melanie said...

Awwww, they're all so pretty, and I love their names! And what lovely dark hair.

Looks like the boys are having fun!

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you. The babies are beautiful...your sons adorable. What a ride you're on!

Maerlowe said...

Holy Moly! Congratulations! What a wild ride.