Friday, June 15, 2007

Good, Clean Family Fun...

From Mommy: So, we took Solomon and Malachi fishing and Papa came along! It was a good ol' time and the winner in the "Biggest Fish" department this time was Solomon. One of his fish came in at 21 inches! This time we stayed around and seasoned and BBQed our captives as we enjoyed the scenery, relaxing until evening.

The highlight of our trip? When Malachi had to use the "HoneyBucket" (could there possibly be a less appropriate word for those disgusting things?). I stood just outside of the closed door and called, "When you're done, come out and Mommy will give you some hand sanitizer!", in response I heard, "Oh, it's OK, Mom - there's soap in here." Puzzled, I opened the door to see my littlest son scrubbing his hands and arms vigorously with a urinal cake.

"@?#$!%#?@!&^"...... Shutter.

And as much sanitizer as I slathered on the poor kid, I still couldn't bring myself to hold his hand as we walked the trail back to our van. Blah.


Homeschool Help Web said...

Ack, spit, ptooey! Here's a feel-better, though - my daughter did EXACTLY the same thing when she was 7. And also, with no possibility of other soap or even large amounts of water.

I feel your pain. :D

Anonymous said...

Ok nee, this didn't help the pain from my incision any. Thanks for the much needed laugh though.

Anonymous said...

EEEWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!! Raising boys is certainly an "adventure"!