Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The 4-Legged

K, here's Lexx after eating an especially large breakfast. He waddled his overindulgent, poofy self over to the kids' easy chair and (after only 3 tries) managed to jump onto it.
I swear my husband has this exact look after Thanksgiving dinner.

Here's Honeysuckle the Pigmy Goat. I took care of her (and Scott & Lori's other ankle-biters) while they had the ultrasound for the new baby. Ms. Honeysuckle's Mommy died giving birth 3 weeks ago. Baby is subsequently bottle fed and very, very tame. This chair is quite the favorite with the furry population.

And here's our view of Kitty-One as we were watching Bridge to Terabithia the other night. It looks like he got ran over by the coffee table.

Oh, and about the movie - the first 3 quarters had me twiddling my thumbs in relative boredom and the last quarter had me crying like a stuck pig. Not a fun combination for me personally. I kept thinking, "Aren't these kids a bit old to be playing this way? C'mon! They're 7th graders!"

PS - Nana had knee surgery yesterday. She's holding up well, but any prayers on her behalf for less pain and complete healing would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Micah and Lexx share that same contented smile as well - tee hee! Cute guys - both of them!