Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Worst Thing I Ever Did

Well, maybe not the worst, but pretty close. And let me tell you, I will not be making the same mistake again. I knew Levi's hair was getting out of control. It was taking more and more time to get him ready to go, and the tangles were causing too many tears. I asked Levi about a hair cut and he seemed excited. I debated. I sought council. I found a salon catering to ethnic hair needs. And we set his appointment. Then we went in and I told the lady. TOLD her how I adored his curls and how nervous I was to cut them.

She showed us how long it would be if we took off 5 inches, then 4, then 3 (keeping in mind that, when stretched out, his hair WAS 7 inches long). I said I was comfortable with 3. And she began to cut. And I grew worried as I saw chunks of hair fall to the floor.

It was looking waaaay to short by the time she said, "Now we need to blend the sides..." I knew. I knew I would cry. I knew the nearly 2 years of hair growth would be a long time in coming back. That the famous curls were gone. I listened as they said how much older he looked and was sad when they turned him around in the chair so that he could see. His eyes were huge as he asked me if I would buy him some new curlies.
Then she asked if I wanted Zephan's trimmed, too. I hope I didn't say, "NO!!!" as loudly as I think I did. I paid the butcher lady her money, said thank you and left, Levi fingering his short locks.
Now, you may think I'm being too dramatic, but he bounced and giggled his way around this house all day long with those long georgous curls boinging on top of his little head. I've always taken such pleasure in it. Is he still adorable? Absolutely. Does it really matter in the grand scheem of things? Nope. But, I will tell you this: I will never trust another salon (and a fairly expensive one, at that!) with this child's hair. He'll be lucky if I ever cut it again.

Now I'm done complaining. Thank you for listening. Next post will be something filled with Holiday cheer and a better attitude, I promise!!


StarfishMom said...

He STILL looks adorable!!! :)

my life: said...

Oh my goodness...I JUST gave my son his first hair cut today. *it was like 5 strands that were an inch and a half longer than the rest* Immediately I wondered if I had done the right thing! ha The kids agreed though...he looks older. :0(