Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rambling on about Pigeons


Here's the boys goofing off with Brighten. I've learned my lesson with the (sweet) mongrel that is Brighten and always check her Mom & Dad's nest for eggs when I change the aviary water. As much as I love birds, 7 is just perfect for the size of enclosure we have, so I've been vigilant about checking that nest and removing any eggs laid during the night.
Well, I know they say that Pigeons are stupid, but Mr. Moo & Mrs. Grays' pea-sized brains went to work on outsmarting me. They made a second, hidden nest. By the time I became wise to their game and found the twin eggs, they were, I suspect, about three-fourths of the way "done". Looks like we'll be having twins for Christmas.
This makes me realize that we'll need to do something about this prolific pair. Maybe, once springtime comes, I'll liberate Moo. Although I hate to do that as he's one of my prettiest birds. I would rather release Gray, but I wonder if Moo will then just take a new wife and our quandary will continue? Brainstorming chastity belts for pigeons......Anyway. Blathering about birds probably isn't why you stopped by, so here's another picture of my darlings asleep. I may have more shots of these 2 with their eyes closed than open!

Speaking of pictures, my kiddos is going to be in one of my favorite magazines, Adoptive Families (! They're pretty excited that their picture was chosen as we often look at this magazeen together. It's got some really good articles about all sorts of stuff. It's second only to my Family Fun subscription.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Day with those you love!

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