Friday, May 30, 2008

Wherein Malachi Finally Succeeds in Knocking out his Tooth

Well, as you may recall, 5 months ago Kai fell and not only put a gaping hole through his tongue but managed to shove his 2 front teeth back up into his jaw.
Yesterday was act 2.
This time he busted a tooth all the way out. I scooped him up and brought him to Urgent Care and then to the pediatric dentist who confirmed that the tooth was MIA. We wondered where it went. We went out for treats because we survived the day amongst pain, blood and 2 infants who missed their naps. We then headed with our swollen Kai. As we walked into the door, Alexxander was happy to see us return, as usual. A few minutes later I noticed him "sucking" on something. Moving it from cheek to cheek. I forced his jaws apart and found Malachi's tooth. Why he didn't swallow it? No clue. Maybe he was just keeping it safe....

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Not sure if this helps with the choices you are trying to make about your new addition,but my aunt is severly mentally ill,severe.And she has two perfect,happy,healthy,mentally fine children,and one of them now has their own healthy children.It did not pass onto any of them.

I know we will never know the entire background on any kids we adopt,and the unknown can be scary.If God has sent this child to you,or ours to us then he will cover all of your needs.He has so far right?

I look at ALL the familys we know who have adopted,with children from horrible birthparent situations,and despite their parents addictions,illness and behaviors the kids are doing well.This is encouraging.Research is helpful,but only God knows this childs true path.Take care