Thursday, May 08, 2008

We're Back!

Sorry for the hiatus - our camera broke! And what's a post without pics? Anywho, we're all still alive and well over here. Although one or the other of my guys has been sick for a couple of months now, they just bounce junk back and forth between them. They seem to be on the mend now. Let's see ...what else is new?

Last Sunday we went with Micah to Riverfront Park. His team had practice for Dragon Boat Racing. They'll compete next month, I think. At one of the big festivals where there's booths of all sorts, dance and song performances by local bands and you eat too much deep fried food. There's a beautiful playground and carousel over there, so we decided to grab some shots of the boys for the homeschool yearbook. Some of my faves:

Buds & Brothers

Richard Malachi

Curtis Solomon

Anthony Levi

Oh, and we went to OMSI with our bestest friends and caught Walking with the Dinosaurs and an IMAX production about space. Again, some of my faves:

Best buds Kai and Cayman

Ready for the IMAX show!

Stenciling with Zion

My big kid

...and why we had sand all over the. whole. car.
"Sol! Get outta the sand table for Pete's sake!!"
And, tomorrow my darling niece is having her 1st birthday! It fell on Mother's Day this year - how cool is that? This time last year she was taking her sweet time joining us but her delay caused her to arrive on Grandma Ruby's birthday. Grandma went home to the Lord 4 months earlier, so it was very special that she has her Great-Grandma's birthday.

Oh, and we had our homeschool co-op's annual Easter Egg hunt & BBQ. It rocks that they have it late - all the Easter stuff goes on clearance, so the moms stock up while the prices are LOW, there are tons of eggs to be found and great prizes to win. Also, our Oregon weather tends to be more cooperative in May and the kids can play and egg-hunt without rain. It's a huge pot-luck and everyone always has a blast. My guys look forward to it every year (thanks Joel & Lisa!!). Pics to come...

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Handsome boys!