Thursday, March 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

Whew! We're home! Using one word to sum up our trip activities: FUN!!
Using one word to sum up our return activities: LAUNDRY!!

So, because I have tons of un-packing, a van that's interior tells of well over 50 hours spent on the road, and I'm quite tired, I'm throwing some teasers out here. Come back later and see....

what caused horrible reactions.....

and adorable reactions.

And get the scoop on the bad mojo that went down just before we left the State for 2 weeks.

...and the hold-up for a Committee date for the much-coveted Dream Team is over at last!!
More to come....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tease.... I don't know if I'm more excited that you're home or more curious as to what has happened. I learned if you can spare a few quarters after vacation a laundrymat helps with the sanity. Glad you're all safe