Saturday, March 22, 2008


So! As promised, here are the highlights of our trip to California:

Well, to begin with, a few days before we were due to hit the road Onie's face exploded into a ginormous infection. Come to find out, although I cleaned and treated the wounds he acquired in his fight with Mr. Opossum, I didn't get all the way down to the base of the wound. Onie's head healed over top of left-over opossum cooties and proceeded to fester unbeknownst to us. His beautiful thick fur hid the goings-on nicely. That morning we woke up and and saw our fever-laden kitty laying lethargically on the couch. When I say his face exploded, well, I wasn't exaggerating. This pic is after the vet worked her magic. I couldn't post the before pics. They're awful and leave you feeling that One of One certainly used up a couple of his lives that day.

Anywho, $175 worth of vet bills later, Onie is now healed. Scarred but healed.

So, tragedy averted, we headed out and made it to Sacramento the first day. Micah's Papa Davis & Gramma Anna live there and were kind to have us overnight. The boys were thrilled to see that they have a lovely lemon tree in their back yard and insisted on eating some of it's produce (PS - Malachi's Supermans met with some unpleasantness during a previous meal. That's why he's the odd brother out.)


The next day we were refreshed and off again. We put in another LONG day and arrived in San Diego that evening. We camped out with Auntie Cynaera, caught up and rested. Nana also flew in and we met up with a long-time family friend, CeCe. The next few days were whirlwinds of rides, shows, laughing and walking!

I'll leave off here for the night.

I will, however, update those of you who are following our adoption journey and waiting for our much-coveted Dream Team's Committee date....drum roll please.....April 16th! Please pray for wisdom for all who are on the Committee, that the Holy Spirit would guide their thoughts and reasoning and that God's will would be done in these kids' lives. They are precious indeed. And really super cute, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor One Kitty! So glad he's finally healing up - couldn't hardly look at him without gagging.

All the vacation pictures are great! Beautiful color on them. LOL when I saw the "lemon boys" - what a hoot! We sure had a good time, didn't we?! I couldn't believe how good all three boys were the whole time we were together. What a wonderful vacation. Mom/Nana