Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's the real him

Today we had a full afternoon of yard work that left us cold and longing for a bath and our jammies. My oldest sons are very much tea connoisseurs and we all agreed that a warm cup of peppermint sounded great. I had never offered tea to Levi, figuring that we would prefer his milk. Tonight he saw me pour his brothers a steaming cup and wanted a go at it. He took one sip, looked at me in shock, then proceeded to scold his sippy cup fiercely,
"No, no! No, no, no, Baba!" (we've finally convinced him that his sippy cup is really the same thing as his baba and managed to ditch the bottles. He still calls them 'Baba', though).
Sol, Kai and I got a major case of the giggles as he continued to shake his finger at his cup and berate it unmercifully for this piece of evil sorcery that morphed his milk.
He later gave it another shot. After all, brothers weren't keeling over dead, it must be OK. He began to take more sips while eyeing Solomon and Malachi and getting some brotherly encouragement in return. I snuck off to get my camera and took this picture. I just love it.
Just above it is the picture of the three of them on Levi's first day home with us. I think the 2 pics really represent the difference we've seen in our new little guy as the weeks pass, like in the first picture he's sitting nicely at the table, picture #2? Well, that's the real him. I also put the pic of him the first day home, and tonight. That reserved little smile is saved for strangers now. We rarely see it. We get the real him. How cool is that.





junglemama said...

I love the ten and now pictures. What a difference.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - he's definitely a Lewis boy now! How fortunate for him (& you) that God placed him in your loving home! Only God knows what you may have saved him from. What a difference it will make for him to have a Mommy & Daddy who love him. Nana