Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Birthday Gift

As I'm standing there in the kitchen doing the lunch dishes, my littlest son enters the room. I notice a slight odor as he approaches me at the sink. I look down to see Levi looking at me with those eyebrows raised as far as they'll go. He raises both hands to give me what he's holding ... in one little hand a diaper, in the other a can of aerosol air freshener.
Hmmmmm. Maybe it's time we work on potty training? I mean, if the kid knows to bring you a diaper and that you'll also require the Oust....yeah. He's getting underpants for his birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can just see it! I swear those eyebrows have about a full inch range ~ ha! Laughed out loud. Mom