Saturday, February 18, 2006


You know in the original Incredible Hulk comics, when Hulk gets so agitated, so completely cheesed off, that all he can muster is, "HULK MAD!" Well, that night Hulk and I shared a new understanding.
After a nice, brisk walk around the block and a returned perspective on the unimportance of material possessions (even those which are painstakingly chosen to match your shower curtain perfectly), I returned to an apologetic son. Seems he and Dad had a serious discussion about the merits of not destroying the house, then Dad introduced the recycling box from which he can rip and shred any junk mail he chooses.
Yes, the bathroom was due for a refreshing, anyway. And my Mom assures me that, at some point, this memory will have acquired some sort of amusing sentimental value. But, until then, I'm off to Lowes for some paint swatches. He can't rip paint.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last sentence says it all ~ I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Being the Nana is sooo much more fun than being the Mommy.
If he'd been mine, he wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week! ha!