Saturday, February 18, 2006

Extreme Makeover - Malachi edition

A few nights back, my little son was using the restroom. Being 2 years old, he, of course, needed "privacy". My son will not be granted this luxury again until he is married. I returned to help him wash up and discovered him ever so quietly ripping the wallpaper off the wall.


Andee said...

Oh Nee!! Why don't boys come with a warning label? (Or maybe they do, they just manage to peel it off before they exit the womb).

The Brothers said...

Heh heh! No doubt!! By the way, that fireplace looks awesome!!

LadyCelticFire said...

HAHA My 18mth old did drew mommy and daddy pretty pictures when we weren't looking!!! Whats the lesson we learned.... If they are quiet, WORRY. Great Blog, I am in POrtland so I will keep checking yours :D feel free to visit my daughter and I's blog at:

My blog on here is political LOL

Loved yours :D