Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Lights and Dilly Bars

The folks and us decided to jet to Keizer to see the neighborhood famous for their Christmas lights. Some of those houses were amazing! I wonder how much their electric bill is in the month of December? It's probably a lot of Ramen.

Note: Since Daddy's been in school (you know, my entire life) we've measured our currency in Ramen Noodles. It's the nutrition staple of college life!
"Hail to Thee, oh consistently affordable Ramen which sustaineth us with thy square, wavy noodles and sodium saturated bullion packets which are labeled with different flavors but all taste suspiciously alike!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your "Ode to Ramen" - LOL. It's almost over (for this educational project anyway) and I'm so proud of Micah . . . and you! Nana