Friday, June 30, 2006

Science Camp!

A note from Mommy: This week has been really hectic for us. Last weekend was the Northwest Homeschool Curriculum Fair at the Memorial Coliseum, then both boys started a week of Science camp at the Gilbert House. We also ended up with our adoptive home inspection from the State on Wednesday. Whew! All said and done, everything went OK. State adoption workers are disallowed from elevating the hopes of perspective adoptive families, but I believe we've got a shot. There are 2 other families wanting custody of Rayna, so our prayer is that she'll go wherever God sees fit. As much as we love her and as desperately as we want her, we will continue praying God's will, not ours. And for the strength to handle the decision that's handed to us. I can't even begin to imagine what our emotions will look like on the day her case goes to court. That will probably happen early next year. Please pray.
Anyway! I was also going to mention that these Gilbert House Mini-Science Camps were great! They're repeating the series throughout the summer...Check it out! Malachi did "Oooey Gooey Fun!" and Solomon did "Young Artist Adventures". They had a great time and were excited to learn some new things...