Friday, January 23, 2009


Levi got his first letter from his birth dad yesterday. It was....interesting. He seems to think that he'll be found innocent of all charges against him and walk out of that prison a free man. He said that he, "didn't do this crime". I wanted to say, "Which one? The assault with a deadly weapon? The attempted manslaughter? The theft? To which are you referring?" He wanted me to understand that that he always tried to be a good father for his son and did everything for him. He apparently doesn't know that we know as much as we do about the sitch. That we've done our homework. That I'm a terribly curious person, downright nosy about my sons' pasts. Like I've said, these letters will go into a box for Levi to read when he's a well established adult, sure of his identity. When he understands that his parents created a child but it's up to him to create a man. That his identity doesn't lay in his blood, but Jesus's. My #3 son will turn 3 on Sunday. It's been over a year since my son came home. Gosh, I love that kid!

1 comment:

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Thats got to be hard.I always think of these kids future,and if they want to try to find their birthparents oneday.With us knowing all that we do about them,it sure makes it hard to wish for a reuniion for our kids.I downright dread that conversation,its going to be a tough one.