Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another Solomon on the Other Side of the World

I wanted to share this picture with you, as well as an excerpt from the blog on which I found it:
"...our Solomon was found alone in the city of Addis Ababa. He was extremely sick. In fact one of the ladies at AHOPE (the orphanage) told me that they consider him their biggest miracle because he was so very, very sick when he came in...when he was found he had these 2 necklaces on. We don't know any details about his first family. We only know for sure that Solomon was a very sick little boy that someone loved enough and cared for enough to hope that these symbols of Jesus would help protect him and give him the miracle he needed in a country full of people needing miracles....Every time I see that black string it makes me cry. I cry when I think about all he has gone through and all the losses he and his family have endured. I cry when I think how amazing it is that he will be here soon and can live a long, healthy life, surrounded by the love of a forever family... That black string necklace symbolizes all those things to me; faith, sacrifice, love, hope and miracles."
This entry was written by a Mother of 10 children. They are both biological and adopted from the corners of the world, including from the US. Her beautiful children have medical needs (2 of her children are HIV positive)which this family has taken on with optimism and complete love for their children - just as they are and however they come. They are currently raising money to bring little Solomon home from Africa.
We live in a world of defeated parents. They're everywhere. The "sigh and get by" syndrome absolutely exasperates me as a mother and I long for more mothers like this to grace our communities. She not only loves her children, she likes them. She and her husband listen to the "experts" as they "prepare" them for what they're taking on in adopting these beautiful kids and they step up to the task regardless of the risks. Their children thrive.
As our family continues to seek our adoption path and as we continue to have faith that, someday, our home will be full; this woman who I have never met encourages me. She is a fine example of my goals as a Mother. Her home is full of children of all colors and cultures to enjoy. She is confidant that she's equipped to raise the children that God has blessed her with. She makes herself available to parent whomever needs a mother. And she enjoys it.
Please stop by and offer some financial help and encouragement to this family! We've been in the fund-raising game before and it's amazing how much encouragement $10 will bring a family who's trying to bring their child home. It's a re-affirmation that they're on the right path and that their children's home-coming is a reality. Go visit her?
I'll also put a link on my list to the right so you can check in and see how they're doing...

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