Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas with Kermit

We went to the pet store yesterday and I catch my boys eyeing a tank filled with tiny little frogs. "Oh! Mommy! Look at the tiny frogs!" Malachi says. "We should get one of these for Wameezillow!" Solomon adds. (This is what happens when you let the 3-year-old name the goldfish.)
Well I am a sucker for critters. I smile call an associate. "We'll take one of these cute frogs." Kai begins lamenting the fact that Solomon gets to choose the frog. "Make that two of the frogs so they can both choose."
The associate nods and grabs a net, "So, how's your water quality?"
"Uuum, our goldfish does well enough in it."
"Well, these frogs are delicate. You'll want a filter."
"OK, how much are the filters?"
"Yeah, OK." Noting how exited the boys are getting as she chases the panicked amphibians around the tank," I guess that will be alright."
"So, how's your tank's temperature stability?"
"Uuum...our goldfish never complaines."
"Well, frogs like a stable temperature. You'll need a heater for them."
"How much is a heater?"
"$12.95" she says as she hands my smiling children their frogs.
"And the frogs don't like goldfish flakes. Here's some Froggy-Feed for them."
"I see. This is what? $3.95?"
"Yes, ma'am. And here are the purifying drops for their water."
"So, what's all this equipment going to cost?"
"Looks like about 30 bucks."
"Uh-huh. And how much are these frogs?"
"Oh, it's your lucky day! They're on sale for only 99 cents!"
"Yeah. Great. What a deal."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a sweet, soft hearted mommy! you guys don't know how good you have it. my mom has a firm "only stuffed pets" policy. you guys got any pointers for convincing her?