Sunday, November 27, 2005

This is us heading out to do some Christmas shopping. Mom has always looked forward to the day when she could buy a Christmas gift for a girl. She received a Cabbage Patch Doll for Christmas one year when she was little and it was a treasured staple of her girlhood. This year, Mommy finally had the opportunity she had waited so long for. She carefully selected a beautiful Cabbage Patch Doll for Rayna. She hid it behind all the others on the shelf and, a few days later, brought Rayna back to the store to buy it. Well, mom's still waiting to buy that dolly, as Rayna wanted nothing to do it.
She shoved it away. Mommy smiled and gave it back.
She smacked it down and pouted. Mommy smiled and gave it back.
She threw it out of the cart. Mommy smiled and gave it back.
She screamed and hurled it down the isle... Mommy frowned and got the point.
Mom reluctantly put the baby doll back and bought Rayna what she really wanted - a Lava Lamp.

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